Current information: 3G proof required, max. 200 people per event, box office starting at 19:15 on site
General Infection Protection Measures / Basic Hygiene Rules
General Infection Protection Measures / Basic Hygiene Rules
- Avoid hand-to-hand contact, do not shake hands.
- Wash your hands regularly, e.g. after contact with other people; after touching objects that may have been touched by infected individuals, e.g. in public transport, door handles; before meals; after using the restroom; after blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing; before and after dressing changes; after contact withanimals.
- Maintain hand hygiene, i.e. wash hands thoroughly.
- Protect wounds (especially on the hands) by covering them with plaster or dressing.
- Keep your hands away from your face, i.e. avoid your touching eyes, mouth and nose, and do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands.
- Keep your distance of one meter from other people, if possible.
- If possible, keep an even greater distance from coughing and sneezing individuals.
- If you are ill, keep a distance of about 2 meters to others, while absolutely adhering to good hygiene practices: Turn away from others, use a disposable handkerchief, and cough/sneeze in the crook of your arm, not in your hand.
- Ventilate rooms several times a day for about ten minutes.
Here you can find the original document: